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glogg v0.6.3 released

This is a maintenance release on the 0.6.X branch, correcting a few bugs and compatibility problems with various platforms, and adding minor features.

Main changes from v0.6.2:

  • Correct a bug when the display can be stuck on 0% when loading a file on Linux.
  • Adds vi style keyboard commands (j, k, h, l, g and G).
  • Improves the ‘Filters’ dialog.
  • The “Open” dialog now defaults to the last file’s directory.
  • Selects a monospace font by default on all platforms.
  • Fixes compatibility issues with Qt 4.4.

Please see the git log at http://github.com/nickbnf/glogg/commits/master for the detailed changelog.

—25 Jun 2010